Order your plants for Spring planting now! Natives and more!
[click pic for More] We have over 50 types of plants, mostly natives, ready for you to order now and be delivered to you when you want them. Trees, shrubs, and perennials, all waiting for a new home with you.
Order in groups of 3, 10 [ most are just $3.25 each ], or 25 for a lower price.
Order and pay now. When you submit your order, tell us your preference for shipping. Tell us to ship:
- as soon as possible, or
- on a date of your choosing, or
- have us pick a date appropriate for your area
Here are some of the plants we have for you, but order now before they are gone!
Black Chokeberry. Aronia melanocarpa (species)Buttonbush. Cephalanthus occidentalis (species)
Coralberry. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus (species)
Crabapple, Sargent. Malus sargentii (species)
Crabapple, Dolgo. Malus x 'Dolgo'
Crabapple, Prairie. Malus ioensis (species)
Dogwood, Gray. Cornus racemosa (species)
Dogwood, Red Oiser. Cornus stolonifera (species)
Dogwood, Coral Red. Cornus alba 'Sibirica'
Dogwood, Silky. Cornus amomom (species)
Dogwood, Yellow Twig. Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'
Dogwood, Kousa. Cornus kousa (species)
Dogwood, Pagoda. Cornus alternafolia (species)
Elderberry. Black, or common Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis (sp.)
Golden Rain Tree. Koelreuteria paniculata (species)
Hazelnut, American. Filbert Corylus americana (species)
Honeylocust, Thornless. Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis
Lilac, Old Fashioned. Syringa vulgaris (species)
Liatris, Blazing Star. Liatris spicata (bag of 10 corms) (species)
Magnolia, Sweet Bay. Magnolia virginiana (species)
Mockorange, sweet. Philadelphus coronarious (species)
Mockorange. Philadelphus coronarious 'Minnesota Snowflake'
Ninebark. Physocarpus opulifolius (species)
Persimmon. Diospyros virginiana (species)
Plum, American. Prunus americana (species)
Redbud. Cercis canadensis (species)
River Birch. Betula nigra (species)
Serviceberry-Shadbush. Amelanchier canadensis (species)
Spicebush. Lindera benzoin (species)
Strawberry Bush, American. Euonymous americanus (species)
St. John's Wort. Hypericum frondosum (species)
Sweetshrub. Calycanthus floridus (species)
Viburnum, Arrowwood. Viburnum dentatum (species)
Viburnum, Blackhaw. Viburnum prunifolium (species)
Viburnum, Highbush Cranberry, American. Viburnum trilobum (sp.)
Viburnum, Mapleleaf. Viburnum acerifolium (species)
Viburnum, Japanese Snowball. Viburnum plicatum (species)
Willow, Pussy. Salix discolor (species)
Winterberry. Ilex verticillata (species)
Witchhazel. Hamammelis virginiana (species)
Witchhazel, Vernal. Hamammelis vernalis (species)