Dogwood, Silky. Cornus amomom (species). USDA z5-8. Silky dogwood features four season interest with deep green leaves, white flowers, dark blue berries, colorful foliage, and reddish stems. Silky Dogwood is a medium-sized deciduous shrub that is typically found in moist lowland areas. Twigs and leaf undersides have silky hairs, hence the common name. Variable shades of maroon to purple-red foliage develop in the fall. Youngest stems are red, while older stems are greener and mature to gray.
Native to most of the US east of the Mississippi. This dogwood typically grows to 6-12’ tall with an open-rounded form.
It is the host plant for the spring/summer Azure butterflies. Flowers are followed by clumps of ¼ inch indigo blue berries.The fruits are eaten by songbirds, ruffed grouse, quail, turkey, chipmunks, foxes, white-tailed deer, and squirrels. Sold as a bare root plant, 18-24" plus roots.
1 plant for $7.95 or
3 plants for $17.85 is $5.95 each or
10 plants for $49.50 is $4.95 each or
25 plants for $98.75 is $3.95 each