'Felix Crousse' is a true garden classic, loved by American gardeners for well over a century, with its large, crimson double blooms with a slight silvery glow that provide stunning seasonal color. This prolific, mid- to late season bloomer is beautiful massed in borders. Fragrant flowers are plentiful on the bush and work well in bouquets.
Sold as a dormant root, most with 3-5 eyes. Plant in the fall or spring, with the eyes of the root just below the surface of the ground and cover with 2" of mulch. Peonies are deer-resistant and very cold hardy, suitable for USDA zones 3-8.
1 root for $15.95 or
3 roots for $41.85 is $13.95 each or
10 roots for $129.50 is $12.95 each