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Serviceberry, Saskatoon.  Amelanchier alnifolia.  Open to see discounts.
Serviceberry, Saskatoon.  Amelanchier alnifolia.  Open to see discounts.
Serviceberry, Saskatoon.  Amelanchier alnifolia.  Open to see discounts.

Serviceberry, Saskatoon. Amelanchier alnifolia. Open to see discounts.

Regular price $7.95 Sale

Serviceberry-Juneberry Amelanchier alnifolia. USDA z4-8. Juneberry, aka Saskatoon, is an early-flowering shrub, 7-10' tall and wide. Very cold hardy, it is native to the upper midwest down to New Mexico. It bears large, blueish-purple berries, the largest of the Serviceberries. When ripe, the berries can be used in jams jellies, or pies, or left for wildlife. Excellent for shrub borders and woodland gardens.

1 plant for $7.95 or
3 plants for $17.85  is  $5.95 each  or
10 plants for $49.50  is  $4.95 each  or    
25 plants for $98.75  is  $3.95 each