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Serviceberry, Allegheny.  Amelanchier laevis.  Open to see discounts.
Serviceberry, Allegheny.  Amelanchier laevis.  Open to see discounts.
Serviceberry, Allegheny.  Amelanchier laevis.  Open to see discounts.

Serviceberry, Allegheny. Amelanchier laevis. Open to see discounts.

Regular price $7.95 Sale

Serviceberry, Allegheny. Amelanchier laevis. zones 4-8. Native to most all of the eastern US, from Canada down to Georgia. Early spring flowering small tree or large shrub.

1 plant for $7.95 or
3 plants for $17.85  is  $5.95 each  or
10 plants for $49.50  is  $4.95 each  or    
25 plants for $98.75  is  $3.95 each